Friends of Mine 0.8

Here is 0.8 finally, with some more Felix story! 0.8b Part 2 up on Patreon as well!

0.8 Patch Notes:

- Updated Felix's story with more content!
- Added a Library to the University in Twonton.
- Added two skills to learn at the library (webcam hacking and photography) that will open new options at certain places and with certain characters.
- Added an option to use the new Webcam Hacking skill on your computer for random scenes.
- Added an option to use your Photography skill at the park for random scenes.
- Readjusted the variables for the Chloe and Felix stories to seperate them and prevent issues.
- Added a temporary debug optoin to the computer in your bedroom to reset Felix/Chloe story progression.
- Fixed an option in the Felix story that could stop you from progressing.

0.8b Part 2 Patch Notes:

- Added more story with Alex!
- Added 2 more variations to the "Let Gabby Fuck You" scene.
- You can now visit Alex's apartment after completing his current story.
- Added uniforms for the Pawn Shop stocker job and the Club Six cleaner job.
- Added tooltips when hovering over outfits with special effects.
- Added a small warning to the first trinket scene in the park to make it more clear that you are making an important choice.
- Updated Alex's story in the Objectives page so that you can keep track of it.
- Changed the work payment to be directly affected by your attractiveness, scaling up with promotions.
- Adjusted the job xp equation to be slightly higher by default.
- Fixed the "total cash earned" stat not updating properly.
- Fixed some bugged scenes with the masculine club job.
- Fixed some missing images and text effects in Alex's story.

- Reduced the chances of random events in various areas so you aren't constantly bombarded by different things.
- Viewing camshows on your computer now requires the router from the pawn shop.
- Adjusted the position of the tooltips for buffs to be out of the way of the cursor.
- Adjusted the text and objectives page to make the first step of the trinket storyline more clear.
- Fixed the side story image on the objectives page not displaying.
- Fixed Chloe's interestes in the Characterpedia opening Felix's instead.
- Fixed the prostitue in the park trying to trap you forever.
- Fixed the salon options menu to be cleaner and consistent with other shop menus.
- Fixed lots of formatting and grammar to be more consistent.


Friends of Mine 0.8 Part 317 MB
Mar 13, 2020

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