Friends of Mine 1.0.7

Hello again everyone! 1.0.7 is now available for free and 1.1.2 is up on Patreon!

Patch notes for 1.0.7 (Free):

- Over 40 new clips added between the two job updates!
- Added the final promotions to the hospital jobs in Twonton!
- Added masculine variations to the Cam Show job scenes! This is specifically M/M focused content (as it's mainly looking at your own naked character), rather than the typical masculine M/F.
- Which scenes you get are dependant on your femininity. 0 or less will get masculine scenes, anything over 0 will see the original feminine scenes.
- Added the option to change your name when transitioning with Gabby or at the Hospital.
- Removed the femininity requirement for the camshow job.
- Fixed an issue with most hairstyles not increasing Attractiveness when getting them done at the salon.
- Fixed grammar and spelling in the cam show job scenes.

Patch Notes for 1.1.2 (Patreon):

- Added feminine male scene variations to the Seek Sexual Relief scene in the chapel.
- Added the option to return to your previous position when applying to a job that you had previously quit.
- Added an exit button to the top of all shop lists so you don't always have to scroll all the way down.
- Added a masculine variation for the shower clip.
- Added proper back buttons to the Status and Objectives page.
- Updated the body type images in the Status page with more standardized images to feel less random.
- Replaced the default shower clip with a higher quality one.
- Replaced the clip for the random alley jerk off encounter in the outskirts with a higher quality one and rewrote the scene.
- Changed the cost of the park prostitute to $20 (down from $100) and set the scene to change based on masculinity (-25% or lower for sex, otherwise it's only a blowjob).
- Changed name of Shemale Porn to Transgender Porn and references to the term Shemale to Transwoman.
- Adjusted the prompt to guess Mathew King's name to simply accept Matty King.
- Adjusted the Seek Sexual Relief from the nuns to at least 10% femininity/masculinity and 60% arousal (from 0% with 50% arousal) when below 25% femininity/masculinity.
- Adjusted some shop item text to fit into their boxes better.
- Fixed the park prostitute not affecting femininity (now -1 femininity).
- Fixed the incorrect description for the Killing Loneliness achievement.
- Fixed the Seek Sexual Relief scene being inaccessible to female PC despite already having female variations.
- Fixed an issue in which the Young Punk outfit would show as being purchased already after buying the Spring Dress.
- Fixed the membership card for Club Six still taking $500 while listed as $200.
- Fixed some missing character images when speaking with the priest at the Chapel.
- Fixed some dialogue in the chapel not being bold.


Friends of Mine 752 MB
Aug 27, 2022

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