Friends of Mine 1.1.1

Hello everyone! Version 1.1.1 is here and 1.1.5 is finally up on Patreon!

Patch notes for 1.1.1 (Free):
- Added new story and content with the PC parents!
- Added new story and content with Felix and Chloe's parents!
- Temporarily added debug options to the player's computer to adjust relation with the PC's parents and Felix's Parents.
- Added your relationship with a character under the location image when speaking to them (after gaining relation with them for the first time).
- Added a new achievement for reaching 250 relation with at least two different people.
- Added Friendship Bracelet accessory as a reward for new achievement that doubles all relation increases.
- Added the home humiliation sequence to start the feminine content with the PC parents to the objectives page.
- Added an image for the PC father's coworker.
- Reworked early Masculine scenes with Felix's parents to better match the pace of the Feminine path.
- Changed all repeatable actions with PC parents that affected femininity to only 1 point (down from 2 for some actions) to make the progression feel slower.
- Changed the first feminine options with the PC parents to require the small home humiliation sequence which triggers automatically when encountering the PC's mother after achieving 5% or more femininity.
- Changed the first masculine option with the PC parents to require at least 5% masculinity.
- Changed the early scenes with Felix's parents to require 5% femininity or masculinity (Down from 25%) and instead made later sex scenes require 25%.
- Changed the encounter with the PC father's coworker to be different depending on if the player is above or below 25% femininity.
- Changed Mrs. Morin's room pattern to switch rooms each day consistently rather than being random.
- Adjusted some early Feminine scenes with Felix's parents to consider if the player is already above 25% Femininity or not.
- Adjusted the Chat with Mother/Father options to cap relation with them to 25 to prevent skipping the intended progression.
- Adjusted options when speaking with either PC parent to be more organized.
- Fixed the button borders around the images for clothes and accessories in the wardrobe and lockbox.
- Fixed having sex with the PC parents not being able to grant the Love The Hardest Way achievement.
- Fixed the Masculine body 2 from being able to be displayed in the Status page.
- Fixed the dildo teleporting you to your parents house when used in the Twonton apartment.
- Fixed broken images at the salon and in Liam's story.
- Fixed shop menu images being able to cover up the buy button.
- Fixed several scenes with Felix's parents not affecting femininity.
- Fixed syntax errors in the Tease Father scene with the PC father.
- Fixed spacing issues when speaking with the PC father.
- Fixed spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the passages in the Objectives page.

Patch Notes for 1.1.5 (Patreon):
- Added now story content with Alicia!
- Added new story content with Alex!
- Added new interaction scenes with Alicia at Club Six (after the most recent story content).
- Added a scene in which you wake up to an orgasm when going to sleep with 100% arousal, removing the shower buff and rested buff if you have them.
- Added background images to the introduction page and dream/sleep sequences.
- Reworked sleeping to now take Arousal and varying levels of femininity/masculinity into account for dreams, increasing the number of possible dreams from 8 up to 24.
- Adjusted the Matty King question to accept his name even in all lowercase.
- Fixed an issue with Gabby transforming the player, in which declining would always say she gives you the package even after you've already dealt with it.
- Fixed a small window in which Felix could still be embarrassed at his home after already having moved out to university.
- Fixed the text not being styled correctly in some scenes.


Friends of Mine 825 MB
Oct 29, 2022

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