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Who is the actor or pornstar used for Felix?

He is a model named Matthew Clavane.

Thank you , Who is the pornstar used for the blowjob scenes?

I'm not sure about the pornstars from any of the clips, sorry

Hi, is it possible to progress with Winter past the "fool around with her" and "be manipulated by her" options? I've tried being full on masculine, full on feminine,  and playing in the middle, but I cant seem to progress to eating her out and/or getting a blowjob, much less fucking and/or being fucked by her. Is it not possible, or am I missing something?

Shes always teasing about sissifying me, so i even sissified myself for her, but nothing...

Sorry for the confusion, that is just where her content stops at the moment until her story is updated again.

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Im a versatile pansexual, so i love the freedom of switching from men to woman to trans, and from being top to bottom. So far the best characters with the most available range are the PC Parents and Gabby, which I really appreciate. But I feel like Winter also has the potential to go down this route, so I really hope she does. Because part of me gets excited when she talks about dominating me, but the other part of me wants to dominate her and put her in her place because i cant stand how bitchy she is. Lol


Is the webhosted version going to be updated to 0.9.6 at some point, too?


Sorry, I just missed that, I've updated it now.

Is there a way to do things even if your femininity is too low
like can I somehow edit the HTML file 
or releasing a cheat or debug option in the future


There is an achievement for having sex 200 times which unlocks an accessory that allows you to take actions regardless of femininity or arousal.  Obviously, that wouldn't be helpful on a first playthrough, however, achievements are saved in cookies, meaning that once it's unlocked, all your save files will have access to it. (Unless you clear your cookies)

Debug features are something that I have considered but are not currently available.

Okay, thank you!

How do you raise femininity on friends of mine

There are lots of different ways, but to put it simply, working a feminine job will do it, as well as taking actions that have the feminine symbol by them

Hey! I downloaded version 9.10 from your patreon, and I was wondering if you could tell me how to get the images in the game since I have to download them separately? Please and thank you

You want to make a new folder, then put the images folder and the HTML into the master folder together. The HTML file is an attachment in the patreon post.

So I recently started playing your game and it’s really good but how do I unlock the electronic store?

There is nothing in the Electronics Store, it is just part of one of the stories at the moment.

I got my degree from the university and I can't get out of my job at the pawnshop anymore, I need help.

What do you mean you can't get out of the job?


Are you stuck in a scene or that you can't quit?

The option to quit my job no longer appears, this happened after I got the last promotion, I'm using the Google translator


I see, sorry about that, I will have to fix that.

Hi, I'm stock at the level 300 with the mother, do I have to do something else besides masculine interactions for the new limit to be 400? or is 300 the limit?  Because when I hit 300, just nothing happens and no new options open up.

That is the cap for 0.9.4, it will be increased again in the next update.

How do you turn alicia into alex

You start this when you first meet her in the park. When you find the trinket, you want to keep it for yourself and take it to Gabby, then go back to Alicia and apologize. This will lead you to turn her into Alex.


Where can I find the video that is used to show how alice rides the dildo?

Sorry, I don't have sources on all of the clips


The option to buy Young Punk and Rough Flashy clothes does not appear


Thank you for letting me know, I'll take a look at it.

Before the story progression these 2 outfits were available for purchase, and as I progressed through the story they no longer had the option to buy.

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I really enjoyed the game so far. How do we unlock sex scenes with Felix's father? Will there be masculine options when flirting with MC's dad?
I've also noticed that there would be a guy approaching the MC at the gas station men's bathroom, but we don't have the option to approach him.

masculine options with the MC's father are coming, as far as Felix's father, you have to interact with Felix's mom but select the more feminine options with her. Masculine stuff will get you in a relationship with her, feminine options will get her to set you up with Felix's father.

For the guy in the restroom, I'm not quite sure I remember, I'll have to take a look, it may be something that I just forgot about, or it could be that your femininity is too low.

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I know you can interract with the guy if you have high femininity 

Love the game and been replaying it for some time. I have a question though, can Felix be dateable without sissyfying him? Not really into sissyfication tbh.


I'm glad you like the game! At the moment, no, Felix's main point is feminization, but more options could be added in the future.

I wish there was a second option to make money, it takes too long for me to save up money for things like the club, maybe at some point in time there can be an update where we can do cam shows for money

You can do just this with the "Look for Job" option at the computer in your bedroom, though you can't have another job at the same time. I can look at increasing pay out for work as well though, just make sure you are paying attention to your attractiveness as it increases how much you get paid.


Can you only enjoy sex with men by becoming fem?


There are some options for masculine characters, but the default for masculine is sex with women. I am working on adding an option for this though to make scenes allow for masculine gay sex as well where applicable.

How do i get it to work on android

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It says i need javascript to run so how/what do i need to do

Use this link for the web hosted version. I suppose I should start posting the link in on the game page.

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What is the easiest way to increase femininity?

working a feminine job and participating in the events is at least a consistent way.

How do I get the car?

You get the car by playing through the trinket storyline, which you start in the park.

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I was wondering if it's possible to get "Mom's" affection past 400, or if it caps there for now. And will the church job will get a new promotion? I'm currently a Honorary Bishop and the XP bar is fixed at 0%.

That is the end for both of those things, I am working on a final, large promotion for the jobs now and the PC's mom with get more content in the future.

Alright, thanks for telling me.

Hey, I really am enjoying this game, but I have one question: How can I increase my attractiveness? I am stuck on 35

Well its currently not possible to hit 100, but being well rested, fed, getting a new haircut, taking a shower in the morning, getting waxed, and certain accessories will all increase attractiveness.


where do I get the name of the club in Twonton for Alicia?


When you leave, you should run into the Pawn Shop owner who gives you a hint about it, but for the sake of clarity it is:

Mathew King

Why does it say femininity too high for the nun while I'm at 100% masculine? Is that not added yet?

Oh I can take a look, its probably just a bug.

Is there an easy way to decrease your femininity? I want to do all the gay stuff but I don't want to turn into a girl.

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Also how do we sleep with felix's dad? Also when do we get to finally have sex with Jason's dad?

working a masculine job will help reduce your femininity. Sleeping with Felix's dad depends on the choices you make when doing stuff with Felix's Mom. Full sex scenes with the PC's father hasn't been added just yet.

Hi can ask how do you get alex?

Yes, when you meet Alicia in the park for the first time, you want to keep the trinket for yourself instead of giving it to her. Then once you take it to Gabby, come back and apologize to Alicia, this will lead you toward getting Alex instead.

Oh thank you!


I've been playing this game for about a month now ... (well, it's not really a game like that suggests ...) - it's rather almost like a whole NCIS-like series with some diversions towards the sex of all kinds possible and imaginable ...
Although every day we do different things, there is always something new! There is always an unfolding whether major or not.
Each time I am surprised by the progress.
It is absolutely exceptional and quite unique real work.
Take good care of yourself.
And I wish you a very happy new year.

Well thank you very much, I am glad that you are enjoying it and hopefully enjoy the new stuff that is to come!

You have a happy new year as well!

Can this work with the launcher? It is easier for me to keep up with updates for all the games I follow then.

I'm not sure I will have to look into it, I've never used the launcher.

Can you please add more to the liam story!!!!!!!!!

Yes, there will be more soon

Hello, Im a new player and i need some help with the trinket storyline(i like to see every aspect of game).After i give the car keys to Old gabby, I can’t seem to do the ritual with her, so can anyone tell me what i need to do afterwards to continue it?(and when i go to twonton it says that the storyline(trinket) is finished) 

If you are referring to performing the ritual on yourself, it is not possible at the moment. It will be a future method for quickly becoming female.

oh ok thanks for clarifying. Can’t wait until that happens!

hey I gotta ask, in liams story when you first visit his parents house and he decides to give you head, where did you find the source for those two gifs?I see it says on pornhub but finding that exact video is like finding a specific fish in the ocean.   

Sorry I don't really have sources on any of the videos, I dig through so many videos at a time I can't keep track of them all.

Just a question to be sure, does this work on Android somehow? It seems really cool

Yes! It is also hosted on this site:

On there you will find a Play Now button to play a web hosted version.

dude i am stuck at the Club Six side quest. It is asking me to provide a name to be able to get into apartment 13, i type in Matty King, King Matty, Ming Katty, Katty Ming, none of it works, what is the name to get into that floor, help please really love this game!


It is Mathew King. The idea is that when you leave, the pawn shop guy adds a y to the end of your name like he's abbreviating it.

try that didn’t work

I’m stuck on same one as well 


You tried Mathew King? It should work with 2 T's as well, like Matthew King

can u still have sex with mr.morin i havn't  been able to since update, i like can do more with "jasons" dad ... can we have sex with him?

You should be able to, I haven't changed anything in that regard, but I'll check to make sure there's no issue. Sex with the PC's father is coming pretty soon in an update.

Is it possible?

Hey you have the source for MC helping Felix's Sister to transform him? especicaly Trevor house?(sorry for bad english, i'm brazilian)

Sorry for the late reply, if you're trying to find Felix at Trevor's house, his house is in the Outskirts.

let mc and mom play dress up and had sex


Yes, there will be more content with the MC and parents come up.

Sorry about missing the comments everyone, didn't see the notifications about them. Anyone, 0.8 is coming up now

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Can plz add last update friends-of-mine-0.8 

let mc have sex with his mother and shower with her t00   and let mc mother give him panties to wear

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I find the caring styled story line with Felix as the most refreshing I understand the game is NSFW and has a bunch of Kink's but I really preferred the romantic styled writing around Felix's story and hope for a good ending based around that.

I agree

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