Basically the same answer, I think Gabby would fit what you are looking for. You can start building a relationship with her after you bring her the trinket from the park, which will give her a dick.
I'm not sure that you would be able to run the downloaded version on mobile, to be honest. I'm not sure that a phone would let the HTML file reference the images properly.
Yeah, I think it just has to do with differences in security and file structure for a mobile device. I'm not sure how you would make a download like this work properly on a phone.
I want to give a headsup. It seems is currently going after developers who are using adult images and videos of real people. Something to do with their TOS. Something to keep in mind if you want to go forward on this platform. Beginning of the end, I think.
No problem. One dev I've been following was targeted, and he had to remove all images and videos from his twine game. He was using shots from real porn actors. This could have been one of the reasons. One game of his was removed entirely from this platform. If one game is targeted more can follow. Therefore the headsup.
Hey. cant download , dont know why. Also there is maybe miss spell by "This is version 1.2.1. Version 1.2.4 is available on our Patreon!" but there patch notes named as 1.20.
You need to leave the house and when you go out into town you will run into your father's coworker. You also need at least 5% femininity for it to trigger (Also at least 10% for one of the options in this encounter, but that isn't required to continue the storyline).
Oh, sorry, for this specific path, you do need to play a feminine character, HOWEVER, if you specifically play a masculine character, at -5% femininity you will be able to just interact with the PC parents without playing through this sequence, however it won't really complete this objective as it's sort of the setup for the feminine side. So you can do the content with a masculine character, this objective specifically is just the feminine path introduction to the parent's content, sorry for the confusion.
Oh, I took a look and it turns out that I actually goofed up checking the achievement variable. Sorry about that, I will get that fixed! Once the fix is out, you should retroactively have it, so don't worry it still counts
I'm glad you like the game! As far as trans men content in general, I've actually had this asked a couple of times recently, but unfortunately, at least right now, I don't have any plans for it. Even disregarding the time it takes to go through and update all of the scenes for new options, the more specific something is, the harder it is to find videos that really fit the scenes and I just don't know that there are enough varied videos of that type out there to actually cover all of the scenes in the game.
That being said, it could change in the future as that sort of stuff continues getting made, I just don't know that it would even be possible at the moment.
Are you playing the Web Hosted version? The images seem to be working for me.
If you mean you are downloading the files and running the HTML, you just need to make sure that you have the HTML in a folder together with the images folder so that it can pull the images.
Do you mean like, you find her in the livingroom or kitchen but when you talk to her it has her in the shower? Or that she's not around the house normally for you to talk to?
Hmm, the only thing that changes her location is sleeping at it just randomly chooses between three spots. You relationship with her wouldn't change that at all.
Where are you sleeping at, just your bedroom in the starting house?
So, I looked at it and realized that there is a bug! The variable checking for progression through Chloe's story line had a typo, so I've reuploaded the html with a fix. If you've downloaded it, you will have to download again, but if you are just using the web link, you should be able to just save a refresh to have it update.
Then you should have the option to Try Pushing Him Further when you visit Felix.
Is there a required to wear for the outfit "Proper Manly" at the mall clothing store? It takes my money to buy it, but it isn't in my wardrobe. When I buy it, it says "You aren't sure that this is something you should be wearing."
Ah, sorry about that it looks like it's bugged. I need to delete that message, but you should actually have it, I just forgot to add it to the wardrobe in the city apartment. If you go to your starting bedroom you should see it in the wardrobe there.
Eating (+5) Showering (+10) Sleeping with 60% or more Energy left (+5) Getting a Haircut (+10) Getting Waxed (+10) Getting a Manicure (+5) Lip Injection (+5) Ass Injection (+5) Silver Ring accessory from the Pawn Shop (+5)
Aww, so there's not anything for Masculine PC to increase attractiveness other than eating, showering, sleeping, haircut, and the silver ring while the Feminine PC gets 4 exclusive ways to increase attractiveness? That's too bad.
I'm not sure about exactly which part you are referring to, but most choices are either between her or Mr. Morin or just turning them down and, typically, the decline option is to just leave for the time being and you would just pick up where you left off if you go back to her.
Oh! Actually, there is an oversight there which blocks moving forward, so thank you for pointing this out; you will need to go ahead and have sex if you want to continue progressing with her. Sorry about the confusion, thank you for bringing it to my attention though!
That should be right, at the end of the situation in the Outskirts when her uncle brings you two back to her apartment, you will briefly mention Lady Mantis and at the very end she mentions going to see her.
Oh, were you able to get him to college without a car? I probably made a mistake there.
If you go to the park and get a trinket, that storyline with taking the trinket to Gabby leads you to getting a car so that you can travel to the other towns.
hey I have a problem with alicia , she is asking me the name of the club up in twonton but even if I say the right name she still says that it isn't correct plz help lol
Great game, a question tho, since you are redoing all scenes to work with a female character, does it mean that a female start is eventually planned too or will the trinket ritual be the only option to be female?
I do plan to do that, yeah. At some point I will add a little start process to set some options including starting gender. Although the trinket option was originally meant to be like an in-game explanation for the starting character being female when he isn't originally intended to be, I do realize that trying to make something make sense isn't really a good reason for something being inconvenient, so I do plan to change it.
Ah I didn't catch that, sorry I will have to fix it! Hopefully it didn't get you stuck, but you can use the back arrow at the top left of the screen if it's locking you in the scene.
I have recently been at a loss at how I can start to have masculine/feminine stuff with Mom and Dad. It always says my Femininity is too high or too low :(
So, if you are going for femininity you need to have at least 5 femininity then it will trigger a small side thing you have to do when you are in the house where your mother has you try on underwear. You have to go through this sequence all the way until you have a run in with your dad's co-worker and then confront him about it. This sequence should be in your Objectives page.
For masculine stuff, you just need to be further than -5 femininity and you will just have repeatable interactions with the parents that build relation with them.
Directions to stop working all together rather than becoming more tolerant to it. At least that is what I have found happening on the play through that I'm going through.
As someone who isn't feminine enough to do it irl, I'm loving the multiple paths and options in this game, and looking forward to more updates (id join the Pat, but I'm broke thanks to medical issues.) However, I have to ask how you're supposed to use the dildo? i buy it but the option never comes up. Also, just in case you didn't know, on the final apartment upgrade, if you go straight to the bathroom, it sends you to your parents' house.
I'm really glad that you enjoy the game! And definitely do not feel sorry or anything for not joining the Patreon, you should always put your own needs first! As far as using the dildo, thank you, there is actually a bug as it turns out! I went to look at it, since you are supposed to be able to use it in the bedroom and apartment but I accidentally tied it to the wrong thing, so I will get that fixed. I'm not sure about the bathroom thing, but I will take a look at it, thank you for letting me know!
So, you have to choose between doing the Alicia or Alex storyline. When you first meet Alicia in the park, keep the trinket for yourself instead of just giving it to her right away and you will switch the storyline from her typical story to having her transition into Alex.
i ran into a error when fully transitioned. having sex with dad Error: cannot find a closing tag for HTML … (1.1.9 Patreon) dont really bother me that error is above the picture. just thought id point it out.. im not sure if the error is present with any other character..this still is a awesome game keep up the great work
I really need to know how to get the "When love and death embrace" achievement. The alcohol is easy enough, but no matter what drugs i try, it stays at 100 or 95. Do i have to progress further in the story, or do i just keep having the drugs over and over again to gain some sort of tolerance??
There is actually three levels of tolerance for each type of drug and for alcohol as a whole, however it looks like there isn't actually any drugs that give anything lower than 5, so it isn't actually possible to hit 99.
I'm very sorry about the confusion, it looks like an issue that I will need to fix, so for the time being consider it unattainable. Sorry again about the confusion.
i still can't fuck chloe i'm done with felix man and also i can't have sex with him mom only his dad and i haven't met dad's coworker scene what should i do
Well, when you say that you are done with Felix, do you mean you chose the Felix path? When you make the choice early on with Chloe for who to use the liquid on, you can't go down the other storylines just yet; so if you chose to help her feminize Felix, you can't have a relationship with Chloe (this is being added, but it's not currently available).
So if you chose to go with Felix, you won't get to have sex with Chloe.
Also the Morin parents depends on your femininity, so if you are playing a feminine character you will have interactions with the dad, masculine characters have interaction with the mom.
As for the coworker scene, have you started doing anything with your mom? It starts with 5% femininity or higher. You can try checking with your mom or dad and see if they have a story options for you. There is one point where you have to confront your father while he is in the living room so you might check for that, as well.
so i cant have sex with felix and chloe both at the same time ? and i'm maxed 600 stat points and with 100 femininity and i havent got the scene or did i miss the scene i cant figure it out and is vice co ordinator the max you can get in chapel ?
Yes, Vice Coordinator is the final promotion for that job line.
No, currently you cannot have sex with both Felix and Chloe.
Uuuuh, if you've already maxed out relation with the parents, it should've definitely happened, it's a very early scene. Its during the early parts where your mother is having you try on clothes before you actually start building relation with them. So, you may have missed it, it is pretty brief, but it may be bugged. I did rework that beginning part of their relation content, so it's possible I messed something up, I will take a look at it.
alright guys just a question theres this one video clip i cant find anymore where the onlyfans was like princess something something bro someone find that clip for me cuz i cant find it anymore
Are you using the download or the web hosted version? If you are using the download, make sure you unzip it and have the HTML file and images folder together in one folder.
You need to play through the trinket storyline. It starts in the park and you will then meet Alicia, however she isn't directly involved in this storyline (she has her own), what you need to do is take the trinket to Gabby in the Outskirts and follow through her tasks for you, which will lead you to getting the car.
It is both for the feminization, but the M2F is currently just the MC; the MC can be feminized and transition to Female, however the character Felix can also be feminized by the player.
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Save to file when
I'm sorry?? I don't understand
I think they meant when can they save their game files to their computer.
The game already supports that so...
That's also how I read it, which is why I was confused
Somehow, I can't download the game in the itch app...I guess the type of download needs to be updated.
Oh, its probably because its just a zip file. I've never used the app before, I'll have to take a look at it and see if its something I can fix
is there a transgirl dating option?
Gabby was probably designed the closest to that in that she can have a dick, though maybe not exactly what you were hoping for.
In the PC Feminization storyline with Chloe you can get her to have a dick later in the story, as well.
Besides that, I guess there hasn't been a traditional transgirl character option, so it might be a good idea for a character in the third town.
would be amazing if u decide to have one, ill keep my fingers crossed. what about futanari?
Basically the same answer, I think Gabby would fit what you are looking for. You can start building a relationship with her after you bring her the trinket from the park, which will give her a dick.
How do you make the other characters join you in the camshow?
You just have to be far enough along in their story, however this is currently only available for Liam, Alex, and Alicia
The main characters parents are adoptive? There are no blood relations right?
Oh, i thought they were blood
Is it supposed to be working on android phones because my phone is not showing any pictures in the game.
Are you play the web hosted version?
I downloaded the file it on my phone.The web version works fine for me
I'm not sure that you would be able to run the downloaded version on mobile, to be honest. I'm not sure that a phone would let the HTML file reference the images properly.
it's not this game.all html games or files won't show
Yeah, I think it just has to do with differences in security and file structure for a mobile device. I'm not sure how you would make a download like this work properly on a phone.
I want to give a headsup. It seems is currently going after developers who are using adult images and videos of real people. Something to do with their TOS. Something to keep in mind if you want to go forward on this platform. Beginning of the end, I think.
I appreciate the heads up, we'll see what happens I suppose
No problem. One dev I've been following was targeted, and he had to remove all images and videos from his twine game. He was using shots from real porn actors. This could have been one of the reasons. One game of his was removed entirely from this platform. If one game is targeted more can follow. Therefore the headsup.
Hey. cant download , dont know why. Also there is maybe miss spell by "This is version 1.2.1. Version 1.2.4 is available on our Patreon!" but there patch notes named as 1.20.
thx for the game actually. gl on developing :B
Sorry about that, it may have been too soon after I uploaded, it seems to be working now.
Thank you for letting me know about the issue and thank you for the kind words!
i tried everything but it doesn't
You need to leave the house and when you go out into town you will run into your father's coworker. You also need at least 5% femininity for it to trigger (Also at least 10% for one of the options in this encounter, but that isn't required to continue the storyline).
So that means i need to make MC transgender then
Oh, sorry, for this specific path, you do need to play a feminine character, HOWEVER, if you specifically play a masculine character, at -5% femininity you will be able to just interact with the PC parents without playing through this sequence, however it won't really complete this objective as it's sort of the setup for the feminine side.
So you can do the content with a masculine character, this objective specifically is just the feminine path introduction to the parent's content, sorry for the confusion.
I've got 2 characters over 250 but the Killing Loneliness achievement is still locked.
Oh, I took a look and it turns out that I actually goofed up checking the achievement variable.
Sorry about that, I will get that fixed! Once the fix is out, you should retroactively have it, so don't worry it still counts
All good :-) I love this game. Are there any plans, even in the far off future to include trans men as a player option?
I'm glad you like the game!
As far as trans men content in general, I've actually had this asked a couple of times recently, but unfortunately, at least right now, I don't have any plans for it. Even disregarding the time it takes to go through and update all of the scenes for new options, the more specific something is, the harder it is to find videos that really fit the scenes and I just don't know that there are enough varied videos of that type out there to actually cover all of the scenes in the game.
That being said, it could change in the future as that sort of stuff continues getting made, I just don't know that it would even be possible at the moment.
how do I play in the web browser and keep the images and vids working
Are you playing the Web Hosted version? The images seem to be working for me.
If you mean you are downloading the files and running the HTML, you just need to make sure that you have the HTML in a folder together with the images folder so that it can pull the images.
what’s the name of the club for Alicia I’ve tried club six every way I can think of but it keeps telling me it’s wrong
It is just:
Club Six
club six
The capitalization just needs to be consistent.
I think my game is bugged? I got the PC’s mother to 500 and when I try to talk to her she’s always in the shower and I can’t interact with her
Do you mean like, you find her in the livingroom or kitchen but when you talk to her it has her in the shower? Or that she's not around the house normally for you to talk to?
She isn’t around the house. She’s always in her room in the shower, my only interaction is to peek in on her
Their locations are randomized when you sleep. Is she still unavailable after you go to sleep?
yes, I’ve checked everyday after I wake up and she’s always in her bathroom showering thru the whole day
Hmm, the only thing that changes her location is sleeping at it just randomly chooses between three spots. You relationship with her wouldn't change that at all.
Where are you sleeping at, just your bedroom in the starting house?
How do I get the new side scenes with Felix to trigger?
I'm already up to date on Chole's story line and I already spammed Felix's kissing scene over multiple in game days and nothings happened.
So, I looked at it and realized that there is a bug! The variable checking for progression through Chloe's story line had a typo, so I've reuploaded the html with a fix. If you've downloaded it, you will have to download again, but if you are just using the web link, you should be able to just save a refresh to have it update.
Then you should have the option to Try Pushing Him Further when you visit Felix.
Is there a required to wear for the outfit "Proper Manly" at the mall clothing store? It takes my money to buy it, but it isn't in my wardrobe. When I buy it, it says "You aren't sure that this is something you should be wearing."
Ah, sorry about that it looks like it's bugged. I need to delete that message, but you should actually have it, I just forgot to add it to the wardrobe in the city apartment. If you go to your starting bedroom you should see it in the wardrobe there.
I didn't see it at the apartment or the starting bedroom.
Oh, that is weird, sorry about that; I will take a look and fix it
Its seems it is chrome issue. When I loaded the game in Microsoft Edge browzer, it was in the first bedroom.
Oh, that is very strange, thank you for letting me know, I'll try and figure out what's up with it.
Is there any way to increase Attractiveness other than showering and eating?
Yes, all of the Attractiveness buffs are:
Eating (+5)
Showering (+10)
Sleeping with 60% or more Energy left (+5)
Getting a Haircut (+10)
Getting Waxed (+10)
Getting a Manicure (+5)
Lip Injection (+5)
Ass Injection (+5)
Silver Ring accessory from the Pawn Shop (+5)
Aww, so there's not anything for Masculine PC to increase attractiveness other than eating, showering, sleeping, haircut, and the silver ring while the Feminine PC gets 4 exclusive ways to increase attractiveness? That's too bad.
There isn't really, no, but that is something that I had actually thought of lately and will add soon.
Is it possible to fool around with Mrs. Morin after telling her that you want to take it slow?
I'm not sure about exactly which part you are referring to, but most choices are either between her or Mr. Morin or just turning them down and, typically, the decline option is to just leave for the time being and you would just pick up where you left off if you go back to her.
This scene when taking the dominant path with Mrs. Morin
Oh! Actually, there is an oversight there which blocks moving forward, so thank you for pointing this out; you will need to go ahead and have sex if you want to continue progressing with her.
Sorry about the confusion, thank you for bringing it to my attention though!
Not a problem, happy to help. I usually make a save before I make a decision like that.
I think I found another issue. I seem to be stuck waiting for Alicia to "get situated" after the scene with her at the safe house.
At the same time when I visit her at her house there is a prompt to visit Lady Mantis that I don't remember having set up with her.
That should be right, at the end of the situation in the Outskirts when her uncle brings you two back to her apartment, you will briefly mention Lady Mantis and at the very end she mentions going to see her.
Hey I got Felix to college and did some stuff but then I went back to town and I don't know how to get back to the college
Oh, were you able to get him to college without a car? I probably made a mistake there.
If you go to the park and get a trinket, that storyline with taking the trinket to Gabby leads you to getting a car so that you can travel to the other towns.
Thank you
hey I have a problem with alicia , she is asking me the name of the club up in twonton but even if I say the right name she still says that it isn't correct plz help lol
It is specific and case sensitive, so you need to answer either:
Club Six
club six
oh yes thanks and btw great game , looking forward to seeing more !
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!
is posible to meet again Matthew or not?
After the events of the club sotryline? No you cannot, but that may be a good idea for something to add
I'm struggling with the penthouse thing, the name is Matty Kings but the girl keeps denying me the acces, what can I do?
It is just Matty King
no S
Great game, a question tho, since you are redoing all scenes to work with a female character, does it mean that a female start is eventually planned too or will the trinket ritual be the only option to be female?
I do plan to do that, yeah. At some point I will add a little start process to set some options including starting gender. Although the trinket option was originally meant to be like an in-game explanation for the starting character being female when he isn't originally intended to be, I do realize that trying to make something make sense isn't really a good reason for something being inconvenient, so I do plan to change it.
Ok, thank you for answering.
i'm with a mistake the alicia scene behind the bar in the blowjob, Error: <<if>>: <<else>> must be the final clause, how fix that?
Ah I didn't catch that, sorry I will have to fix it! Hopefully it didn't get you stuck, but you can use the back arrow at the top left of the screen if it's locking you in the scene.
I have recently been at a loss at how I can start to have masculine/feminine stuff with Mom and Dad. It always says my Femininity is too high or too low :(
I was also wondering if you can somehow make it so you can impregnate female characters? or if you turn female, can someone impregnate you?
There is no impregnation in any capacity, sorry.
So, if you are going for femininity you need to have at least 5 femininity then it will trigger a small side thing you have to do when you are in the house where your mother has you try on underwear. You have to go through this sequence all the way until you have a run in with your dad's co-worker and then confront him about it. This sequence should be in your Objectives page.
For masculine stuff, you just need to be further than -5 femininity and you will just have repeatable interactions with the parents that build relation with them.
Directions to stop working all together rather than becoming more tolerant to it. At least that is what I have found happening on the play through that I'm going through.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean, are you talking about drugs?
Yes. I am sorry I think I was half asleep when I wrote that.
Ah okay, thank you for letting me know I'll take a look at it!
As someone who isn't feminine enough to do it irl, I'm loving the multiple paths and options in this game, and looking forward to more updates (id join the Pat, but I'm broke thanks to medical issues.) However, I have to ask how you're supposed to use the dildo? i buy it but the option never comes up. Also, just in case you didn't know, on the final apartment upgrade, if you go straight to the bathroom, it sends you to your parents' house.
I'm really glad that you enjoy the game! And definitely do not feel sorry or anything for not joining the Patreon, you should always put your own needs first!
As far as using the dildo, thank you, there is actually a bug as it turns out! I went to look at it, since you are supposed to be able to use it in the bedroom and apartment but I accidentally tied it to the wrong thing, so I will get that fixed.
I'm not sure about the bathroom thing, but I will take a look at it, thank you for letting me know!
The link to the Web hosted version needs updating, it still links the to 1.1.5 release.
Ah, sorry about that; thank you for letting me know!
No problem. Thanks for fixing it so quickly!
How do you get to interact with Alex?
So, you have to choose between doing the Alicia or Alex storyline. When you first meet Alicia in the park, keep the trinket for yourself instead of just giving it to her right away and you will switch the storyline from her typical story to having her transition into Alex.
okay thank you so much
i ran into a error when fully transitioned. having sex with dad Error: cannot find a closing tag for HTML … (1.1.9 Patreon) dont really bother me that error is above the picture. just thought id point it out.. im not sure if the error is present with any other character..this still is a awesome game keep up the great work
Ah, t hank you for letting me know, I'll look at it!
And I am glad you enjoy the game!
I really need to know how to get the "When love and death embrace" achievement. The alcohol is easy enough, but no matter what drugs i try, it stays at 100 or 95. Do i have to progress further in the story, or do i just keep having the drugs over and over again to gain some sort of tolerance??
There is actually three levels of tolerance for each type of drug and for alcohol as a whole, however it looks like there isn't actually any drugs that give anything lower than 5, so it isn't actually possible to hit 99.
I'm very sorry about the confusion, it looks like an issue that I will need to fix, so for the time being consider it unattainable. Sorry again about the confusion.
I can’t find the discord server link can you send it?
The Discord is just for Patreon supporters currently, sorry about that
Cool game! I have expected much less from a html-based game, so nice job.
But I can't equip any accessories
Well thank you!
What do you mean you can't equip them? Like, does it give an error or does clicking them just not do anything?
Oh, I actually got it. It can be equipped but it doesn't refresh the slot on that lockbox page (it remains empty). I don't know if that's intended
Oh that is good to know actually, thank you!
i still can't fuck chloe i'm done with felix man and also i can't have sex with him mom only his dad and i haven't met dad's coworker scene what should i do
Well, when you say that you are done with Felix, do you mean you chose the Felix path? When you make the choice early on with Chloe for who to use the liquid on, you can't go down the other storylines just yet; so if you chose to help her feminize Felix, you can't have a relationship with Chloe (this is being added, but it's not currently available).
So if you chose to go with Felix, you won't get to have sex with Chloe.
Also the Morin parents depends on your femininity, so if you are playing a feminine character you will have interactions with the dad, masculine characters have interaction with the mom.
As for the coworker scene, have you started doing anything with your mom? It starts with 5% femininity or higher. You can try checking with your mom or dad and see if they have a story options for you. There is one point where you have to confront your father while he is in the living room so you might check for that, as well.
so i cant have sex with felix and chloe both at the same time ? and i'm maxed 600 stat points and with 100 femininity and i havent got the scene or did i miss the scene i cant figure it out and is vice co ordinator the max you can get in chapel ?
Yes, Vice Coordinator is the final promotion for that job line.
No, currently you cannot have sex with both Felix and Chloe.
Uuuuh, if you've already maxed out relation with the parents, it should've definitely happened, it's a very early scene. Its during the early parts where your mother is having you try on clothes before you actually start building relation with them. So, you may have missed it, it is pretty brief, but it may be bugged. I did rework that beginning part of their relation content, so it's possible I messed something up, I will take a look at it.
ok i'll load one of my saves and try again
This is a genuinely really good game, I genuinely enjoyed it. Great work, sunfall.
Thank you, I really appreciate that and am glad you enjoyed it!
alright guys just a question theres this one video clip i cant find anymore where the onlyfans was like princess something something bro someone find that clip for me cuz i cant find it anymore
can you fuck chloe? i beaten the game and still cant fuck her
Yeah you can, you get to a few times through the dominant path with her. Do you still have anything showing up for her in the Objectives page?
I hadn't actually even thought about the Dad for that, good idea!
Are you using the download or the web hosted version? If you are using the download, make sure you unzip it and have the HTML file and images folder together in one folder.
it works ; thank you.
How do I get a car to ride to Twonton?
You need to play through the trinket storyline. It starts in the park and you will then meet Alicia, however she isn't directly involved in this storyline (she has her own), what you need to do is take the trinket to Gabby in the Outskirts and follow through her tasks for you, which will lead you to getting the car.
Are you doing this to others or is it happening to mc?
It is both for the feminization, but the M2F is currently just the MC; the MC can be feminized and transition to Female, however the character Felix can also be feminized by the player.
Dope not enough games let you do the feminizing